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Monday, November 17, 2008

BBQ Ribs, Horseradish Buttermilk Mash And Rosemary Baked Beets

Delicious stuff. I love beets and I got a great deal on some the other day. I used half of them in this dish and I have the rest in vinegar for a salad. These ones here I baked with a little olive oil and white wine in aluminum paper. I added a few garlic cloves, pepper corns, rosemary sprig and a quarter jalapeno. I folded the paper over the top and baked them for almost as long as the ribs. You have to be careful that they don't blacken on the bottom. I love beets really, anyway at all, baked, mashed, salad or just plain cold with vinegar and cold cuts.
The potatoes are half yukon gold and half baker and finished with freshly grated horseradish, salt and pepper before creaming them with buttermilk . I left them a little lumpy because I prefer them like that.
The ribs are first blanched and then slow roasted on skewers so they lose all the fat. I do these ribs very slowly and start adding the bbq sauce half way through the process so that the flavor really gets inside.

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