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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fresh Split Pea Soup And Chop Chop Salad.

Fresh pea soup is one of my favorites. I make it with a smoked ham bone which gives it plenty of flavor.
The chop chop salad is a crunchy little salad which is great for the summer.
You need some romaine lettuce, nice and crispy. Next you need to root around the fridge for all the crunchy vegetables you can find like cucumber, sweet bell pepper, radishes, celery etc etc. You will also need some fried croutons and a hard boiled egg.
Chop them all up in bits, toss them in a bowl with your favorite dressing and serve. This one is made with a balsamic dressing which I made myself.
Chopped Garlic and chopped shallots, salt and pepper and equal quantities of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Mix well with a whisk or a blender.
Season to taste, correct sharpness and serve.

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