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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baked Navy Beans With Steamed Chicken Wings

This is a very handy little steamer and very easy to find. This is a small version and I also have the bigger version. The small one is good enough for two people. If you have a regular double steamer then you don’t need this. Depending on what I am doing I usually make a reduction in the bottom half of the steamer. In this case I put sautéed some lemons, garlic, crushed pepper and parsley stalk and added half white wine and half water.
I then oiled the individual steamer layers and put the chicken on each layer. It was then covered and placed on top of the boiling reduction to pick up the flavors. The chicken had been previously marinated in some lemon and garlic.
This is a great way to do vegetables, fish or in this case chicken.
I cooked the beans in some tomato sauce and then added the chicken. I put a mixture of white breadcrumbs, parsley and asiago cheese on top and finished it in the oven.

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