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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Omelette, Soup And Cabbage Potato Casserole.

On again with our vegetarian theme. This is not a true vegetarian because there is lamb in the scotch broth. You can substitue another soup and you have a vegetarian although not vegan meal. As far as I know vegans don't use eggs.

The high point of this is the potato and cabbage casserole and it was really good and easy to make.
You will need:
Chopped onion
Shredded cabbage
Juniper berries ( optional but great for the taste )
Olive oil
White wine
Salt and pepper.
Yukon gold or some other sturdy potato
Another root vegetable like parsnip.
White fluffy breadcrumbs and Sharp cheddar or similar cheese.
Saute the onions in a sauce pan until translucent. Add the cabbage and cook for about five minutes. Add the garlic and the juniper berries and continue cooking. Add the white wine and the seasoning and allow to cook for another few minutes.
When nice and hot pour the cabbage into a slow cooker and allow to cook until tender.

In the meantime cut the potatoes into large square with any other root vegetable you choose and blanche them and set them aside. .

In a medium hot pan add a little olive oil and saute off a little onion. add the potato and root vegetables and some chopped garlic and allow to simmer. Add the cabbage when it is cooked and mix the whole thing together. Put the mixture back into the slow cooker and cook until the potatoes are tender. Put the mixture into an oven proof dish, sprinkle with cheese and breadcrumbs and bake until golden brown.

For those of you who are not vegetarian you can add a little shredded bacon to the oil to saute the cabbage.

Note: The cabbage is not cooked in the traditional British or Irish way but in the French way. It is sauteed and slowly cooked until it breaks down rather than plunged into boiling water. The taste is quite different.

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