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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Scotch Eggs, Roasted Tomatoes, Mash And Onion Gravy

This is the true pub grub from England. This would also be served in the cafeterias and middle of the road cafes. It is usually served as an accompaniment to a good pint but rarely as a main meal from what I remember. This started off as a bit of fun but ended up as being a tasty treat.
Nothing could be easier than to make this. All you need is a couple of eggs, some sausage meat, egg wash and breadcrumbs.
1/ place the egg on the sausage meat. 2/ envelope the egg in the sausage. 3/ roll the egg in egg and breadcrumbs. 4/ Place the finished product on a tray with a little olive oil and bake in the oven. The rest is up to your own imagination.
This is normally done with a plain breakfast sausage mix. I used Italian sausage meat for this and I baked them with rosemary and some thyme. They went great with the creamy mash and of course the long simmered onion gravy went with it very well.

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