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Friday, June 12, 2009

Baked Marinated Cod With Braised Salad Onions And Risotto

The final product here looks a bit of a mess but it was very good. I should have used a bigger plate and separated the components. The risotto did not help tidy things up at all. In any event it was very good.
This is a method of cooking fish that we used very often with whole fish in the Mediterranean. The fish is marinated in garlic, olive oil, thyme, white wine, bay leaf and peppers. It is then roasted in a very fast oven and served immediately.You can use any type of fish but a firm fleshed fish works the best because it takes longer to cook and you get more flavor.
I have never seen these onions anywhere else but here in Oregon. Maybe I wasn't paying attention. There is an onion here in the northwest called the ' walla walla' and it is very sweet. You can almost eat it like an apple. I think this one belongs to the same family. I started it in a very hot pan to give it some color and then turned the heat down and braised it for a little while. I added some vinegar and let it reduce down and then added white wine , oil and tomato to finish it off in the oven on a medium heat.


Evelyn said...

Hi Jim,
Mess or no mess, it still looks scrumptious and I certainly wouldn't say no to it.

grahamer said...

i love jim...

Unknown said...

I love you too Graham

grahamer said...

i'm running out of things to say about your fantastic food so i just though that would nice thing to say..and funny too..

Unknown said...

It was a very nice thing to say Graham and thanks for the compliment.