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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Things To Do On An 18 Inch BBQ

Minestrone On The BBQ
Ham And Cheddar Sandwich / French Fries
Oriental Shish Kabob / Spanish Rice

Sirloin Steak With Lime And Herb Compound Butter / Lyonnaise Potatoes
Chicken In Spicy Tomato Sauce / Sweet Peppers Onions And Potatoes

Baked Chicken Wrapped In Bacon
Pork Chop / Anchovy Butter/ Potatoes And Peppers

No stove or range for the past week or so. I had to improvise on my little BBQ. Here are some of the items I rustled up.
The compound butters are a great thing. As you can see they are just butters softened and mixed, in the case of the anchovy butter, with anchovies, lemon, chopped shallots, salt and pepper and lots of chopped parsley. You then roll it out in plastic wrap in a tubular form and freeze it. When you want to use it you cut off a few slices and put it on top of whatever you are serving. It slowly melts and gives the item that extra flavor. No mess and great flavor. It will keep for a long time in the freezer.

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