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Monday, June 1, 2009

Salmon Steak Poached In Court Bouillon Gribiche Sauce


This is a salmon steak poached in a ' court bouillon' and served with an olive oil based sauce consisting of chopped capers, chopped gherkins, parsley, vinegar and chopped hard boiled egg. It is a very popular cold sauce in France and is often served on a hot dish like Veal Head.
The court bouillon is a very handy recipe to have and enhances fish and shrimp whether served hot or cold. This method is not used too much anymore because in general fish is boiled or poached. I recommend using this for any poached fish as it will add flavor to the fish without overpowering the delicate taste. We used this method all the time in the cold fish section in the Gresham Hotel in Dublin. It was wonderful to taste the great Irish salmon of the day poached in this preparation and served with homemade mayonnaise. We would sometimes do up to 250 pieces of fish for banquets and the like. The quality of Irish seafood at that time was extraordinary. Lobsters would come straight out of the sea and would be so strong that they would bend a fork. I don't think the quality of the product has changed there but I think the methods they use are much better.
So next time you are preparing a cold or hot salmon dish cook it in a ' court bouillon'.
Sauce Gribiche
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon capers
2 sweet pickles - finely chopped
1 egg - hard boiled and finely chopped
Black pepper - fresh ground to taste
1 tablespoon parsley - fresh and chopped
Mix everything well in a bowl and allow to sit for an hour or so.

Court Bouillon.
1/2 small leek (white and pale green parts only)
a 3-inch piece carrot
a 3-inch piece celery rib
3 medium garlic cloves
7 cups cold water
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons red-wine vinegar
1 fresh thyme sprig
2 bay leaves (not the stronger California variety)
1 1/2 teaspoons white peppercorns
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
Court Bouillon.
1/2 small leek (white and pale green parts only)
a 3-inch piece carrot
a 3-inch piece celery rib
7 cups cold water
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons red-wine vinegar
1 fresh thyme sprig
2 bay leaves (not the stronger California variety)
1 1/2 teaspoons white peppercorns
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
A little olive oil
Peel and slice all vegetables tastefully. Saute lightly in a little olive oil to bring out the flavors. Add the seasoning and the water and cook till vegetables are cooked to your taste.
Only then add the vinegar. If you add it sooner you will stop the cooking process.
Refrigerate and use as desired for fish ..

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