Saturday, October 30, 2010

Peppered Steak And Cauliflower Polanaise.

Cauliflower Polonaise is one of those old dishes from the Grand Hotels of the sixties. It was a staple in places like the Savoy. You steam or boil the cauliflower in the usual way. Keep it warm.
For the garnish you need some white breadcrumbs, fresh if possible. One hard boiled egg and some chopped parsley. You also need a good knob of butter at room temperature. To finish you heat a pan on the stove. When it is hot you add the butter and let it melt. Just before it turns brown you add the the breadcrumbs and let them brown then quickly add the parsley and the egg and pour it over the cauliflower and serve. If you do it right the bread is crunchy and gives texture to the dish. I added tomatoes here for color but they are not in the recipe as a general rule.

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