Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baked Polenta With Italian Sausage

This dish is enough for Graham or a family of four.

You need these basic items:

Tomato sauce

1 large zucchini

3 large mushrooms

8 oz. Italian sausage

2-3 oz. Italian cheese/ mozzarella

I whole tomato

Chopped garlic, salt and pepper, polenta. Prepare everything and follow the video. You can put anything you like on top of the polenta . These are just suggestions.

Tomato Sauce

Slowly cook a little carrot, onion and celery in some olive oil. When the vegetables are cooked add a dash of white vinegar and reduce to dry. Then add a little white wine and reduce that to dry. Then add tomato paste and mix very well with the vegetables. Add a little flour to make a roux and finally add some chicken stock. Throw in a bulb of garlic cut in half sideways, a couple of bay leaves and a few sprigs of thyme. Add stock and cook to a sauce like consistency. Strain and put a aside for use.

You can also add a can of whole peeled tomatoes to this sauce while it is cooking then remove the whole tomatoes before you strain the finished sauce, chop them up and add them to the strained sauce to give it a chunkier consistency.

You should always add a pinch of white sugar to tomato sauce.

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