Monday, August 3, 2009

Cream Of Tomato Soup With Potato Gnocchi And Cilantro ~ Homemade Salmon Gravlax With Pear And Mushroom Salad And Tossed Greens.

Potato Gnocchi Recipe

2 lbs whole baking potatoes
2 beaten egg yolks
1 1/2 cups flour
Pinch of salt
boil the potatoes

Pass the potatoes through a potato ricer and into a large bowl. (If you don't have potato rice you can mash the potatoes by hand and fluff them up a bit with a fork.) It is best to work with the potatoes when they are still warm.
Add the flour, egg and a pinch of salt. Mix by hand until you have a nice pliable ball of dough. Do not over mix.
Prepare a work area and dust it with flour. Take the dough, a piece at a time, and roll it out gently with your hands until you have rolls about 3/4 inches in diameter. It is very important to keep a light touch while you are rolling the dough. Gently roll the dough with your fingertips while exerting the lightest pressure outwards, not down, to draw the dough out.Cut the tubes of dough into pieces about one inch long. Using either the tines of a fork or your fingertip, press against a piece of the dough and roll it slightly to form an indentation (good for catching the sauce). As the gnocchi are made, place them on flat baking pan, lightly dusted with flour or lined with wax paper.
Bring at least 6 quarts of salted water to a boil in a shallow saucepan. Gently drop the gnocchi, a few at a time, into the water. As soon as they rise to the surface, remove them with a slotted spoon, draining well. Arrange on a warm serving dish. Continue cooking the gnocchi in the same manner.
As soon as all the gnocchi are ready, add to the soup and serve. You can also use this gnocchi as a dish. Cover with tomato sauce and cheese and bake in the oven. Delish .
The tomato soup and the gravlax recipe are already on the blog I think. This soup is outstanding, smooth and silky.

Graham wanted to make it but did not tell me if he did or not or how it turned out.


  1. Wow. That looks delicious. This is a really cool blog. I love the recipes and the fantastic pictures.

  2. The whole meal looks delicious but that tomato soup with gnocchi and cilantro is calling my name.

  3. Oh wow, you definitely know flavors!!! All these meals look fantastic!! You COOK man!!!!Thx for visiting my site!!!
