Sunday, June 14, 2009

Some Offerings From The Open Market Today.

Good stuff today. Vine tomatoes for .99 cents a pound. I got a full ripe mango for .50 cents and a fennel bulb for .54 cents.


  1. looks great... Ilove to see fresh veggies like this.. It must be the farmer in me...

  2. This is not really an outdoor market although we do have one here. This is a big supermarket that deals with local farmers who bring their stuff in and put it up for sale at the entrance. Some of the bargains are amazing. They work more for people with families of course. You can go through the vegetable section here and with a bit of imagination for the vegetarian you can come out at the end with one dollar meals.
    I like this place because the vegetables are NOT premium quality. The are 2nd tier which means that some of it has been sitting around warehouses for a while. This puts the customer in the position of looking for the best quality so you have people squeezing items to see if they are firm ( just like in France ) and those who know the product can make a killing.
    You have to bag your own stuff but it all pays off in the end money wise and it is much more interesting than the normal premium stores. For me anyway.

  3. Spoken by the Shiek. It is written.

  4. and so it shall be... allah muck da wah
