Saturday, May 30, 2009

Good Shopping And Pickling

Vine tomatoes @ 0.79 cents a pound and regular asparagus @ $1.79 a pound. This is where I do 80% of all food shopping. Just like I did in Crumlin Village when I was a boy. Mam will tell you.

In contrast, the beets in the top photo cost more that the tomatoes and the asparagus together but they are really top quality. I had to buy them in another s/m because my little cheapie place did not have what I wanted. I am going to pickle these beets over the next few days. $3.99 for six beetroots. Outrageous!

The top photos are of the beets being pickled. I used the same formula as for the vegetables but used half beetroot juice and half water.


  1. You are lucky that you can go to a market and buy those lovely fresh delicacies. The only place available to us is the supermarket, except every Thursday there is a country market in a hall in town. The produce is fresh vegetables grown locally, but consist mostly of cabbage, turnip, carrots potatoes. All lovely, including the slugs in the cabbage, but nothing as exotic as asparagus. I have 3 tomato plants inside the patio window in my kitchen. Doing very well, 7 ft. high, full of flowers and baby tomatoes, but only gets full sun for 3 or 4 hours every day (if it's sunny). I am hopeful of a nice crop.

  2. I think you will need help, Jim, to eat all these preserves. are visitors welcome?? or maybe dudley loves pickles...
    my growing skills are limited to plants and flowers cant pickle those...

  3. every one went mad about the pickle i did, i see this time you are cooking the chillies bay leaf and the seeds with the beetroot.

  4. sorry i forgot to ask is there a reason for this?

  5. When I cook beetroots I always put in a chile, whole garlic buds unpeeled, thyme and bayleaf and whole black peppercorns. I think it gives it extra flavor.

  6. ´What are you going to do with the asparagus? - Freeze them! Everything looks so fresh and delicious

  7. I didn't get any asparagus these were on display. I usually cook asparagus right away and use them as a vegetable. I didn't realize that Germans ate so much asparagus until I went there . They wrap them in ham, cover them with cheese and bake them. Really good.

  8. Almost every restaurant and Gasthaus will offer asparagus during the season. There's quite a hype about it. Germans prefer white asparagus though.

  9. And they do them very well too. They love their asparagus in Germany during the season. I remember being covered in asparagus peelings from the amount we would sell.
