Sunday, March 1, 2009

Red Cabbage

I made some braised red cabbage the other day. I only took one photo but I thought it was nice so I am posting it. Will make it again soon and post the whole recipe with more photos.


  1. I love red cabbage. Last year, I made pickled red cabbage for the first time, to serve with Lancashire Hotpot, it was so good.

  2. I baked a Bacon loin and covered it with some Honey and musturd.. it was lovely but any suggestions on spicing the cabbage up to complement the bacon/I normally use savoy. Made some mustard mash and minted carrots. oh and some home made parsley sause for him in doors.

  3. Well Carolyn............ I am guessing you boiled the cabbage. Correct me if I am wrong. What I sometimes do with cabbage is: cut the cabbage up into pieces of about an inch square of bigger or even strips. Take a couple of slices of smoked bacon and cut them into strips, dice some onion and some garlic. You will also need a bay leaf and thyme and a little white wine and half teaspoon of vinegar.
    When you have all that done put a suitable pot on the stove and cook the bacon halfway in a little olive oil, then add the onions and cook until translucent then add the vinegar and cook out. Add the cabbage and the garlic and stir until the whole thing had been tossed in the bacon mixture. Add the thyme and bay leaf and the drop of white wine and cook very slowly until the cabbage is tender.You may need to add a little water but the cabbage gives off its own liquid so you have to be careful not to add too much liquid. The slow cooker is great for this. Season with salt and pepper and serve.
    You can also add a few carrot slices for colour and even more flavor. Let me know how it turns out if you get around to doing it.

  4. Really, the best cabbage to serve with a roast is red cabbage. Especially when the roast is spicy. I will do a little thing on red cabbage the next time I make it. You can go wrong with it.

  5. Thanks Jim. gonna do that. sounds yummy.
