The Perfect Roast Organic Chicken From A Farm In Pennsylvania

In the glamour and hoopla of the modern cuisine some things are neglected; like simple meals. I remember talking to an up and coming young chef and I told him I had just made a Goulash the night before. He didn't now what it was.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Paul Bocuse / Pierre Franey / Jacques Pepin .

This must have been taken in the 60's or early 70's. Pierre Franey was the food critic for the New York Times I think. Jacques Pepin is a renowned cook who has written some of the most instructive basic cookery books I have ever seen. He was also part of the kitchen crew in the Elysee Palace when General De Gaulle was the president of France. This was back in the day when a kitchen was called kitchen and not a 'culinary department' .